Gas & Electrical Safety Compliance Check | Too Hot to Handle

Gas & Electrical Safety Compliance Check

The latest regulation requires residential rental providers to ensure gas and electrical safety checks every 2 years. The Victorian Residential Tenancies Act also requires annual smoke alarm checks. At Too Hot to Handle, we have over a decade of experience in the industry and we can help ensure that your property meets the latest compliance requirements.  We strive to remove all of your stress and headaches while ensuring that tenants in Geelong live in safe homes.

Gas Safety Checks

We help you meet the current compliance requirements for gas safety:

  • Gas safety checks for gas installations and fittings every 2 years
  • Safety check to be handled by a licensed gas fitter having Type A servicing accreditation
  • Conducting a gas safety check after a renter occupies your property if it has not been conducted within the last 2 years
  • Renters can ask for the date of the latest gas safety check
  • It is mandatory to maintain detailed records of the name and license number of the gas fitter that conducts gas safety checks, the date, findings, and any repairs or actions.

The law provides renters with the right to request a copy of the safety check records, which must be met within a week. At Too Hot to Handle, our services are provided in accordance with the Energy Safe Victoria guidelines.

Electrical Safety Checks

As part of meeting the electrical and gas safety checks requirements, we also help you address the compliance requirements for electrical safety checks. Some of the important guidelines under this aspect of the latest rules are as follows:

  • Electrical safety check is essential for a landlord-provided electrical installation, appliance, and fitting with a duration of 2 years
  • The safety check should be performed by a registered/licensed electrician as per the Australian and New Zealand Standards for Electrical Installations
  • Renters can rightfully ask for the date of the latest electrical safety check
  • An electrical safety check must be conducted right after a renter occupies a property, if a check has not been conducted in the last 2 years
  • It is mandatory to maintain detailed records of the name, and license number of the electrician conducting the check, the date, results, and any repairs undertaken. All the details must be maintained as per Section 2 of AS/NZS 3019.

At Too Hot To Handle, we provide geelong gas and electrical safety service under the latest legislation and have completed thousands of property checks since the last legislation update.

Ensuring Safe Homes & Quality Service

Some of the advantages we bring to our clients through our gas and electrical safety checks services are as follows:

  • Licensed & Registered Tradesmen: Our licensed and registered tradesmen ensure that your geelong gas and electrical audit is conducted safely, properly, and in a hassle-free manner.
  • Convenience: We offer efficient service. Additionally, you will receive reminders from us whenever your property requires safety checks.

For more information about our services, feel free to contact Too Hot To Handle heating and cooling geelong at 0480 007 947 or write to us.